Experience why thousands of businesses choose Llasa TTS for creating lifelike voices with our advanced AI-powered text-to-speech technology
Try Llasa TTS FreeLlasa TTS delivers the most natural and human-like voices using cutting-edge neural networks
Support for over 50 languages and 100+ voice options
Enjoy unlimited access to our text-to-speech service completely free
Create your own unique voice models with just a few minutes of audio samples
Convert text to speech instantly with our high-performance API
Fine-tune speech output with Speech Synthesis Markup Language
Create your free account in seconds
Enter your text or upload documents through our API or web interface
Select your preferred voice and generate natural-sounding audio
"Llasa TTS has transformed our e-learning platform with its natural-sounding voices and reliable performance."
CTO at EduTech Solutions
"The multilingual support and custom voice creation features have been game-changing for our global content strategy."
Product Manager at GlobalMedia
Join over 10,000 businesses that trust Llasa TTS for their voice synthesis needs
Start Using Llasa TTSYes! Llasa TTS is completely free to use with no hidden costs or usage limits.
We currently support over 50 languages including English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and many more.
Yes, you can create custom voice models with our advanced voice cloning technology using just a few minutes of audio samples.